by saradsmejem » 15 Aug 2013, 01:31
Hello MESSI,
firstly welcome to the forum. Glad that u got over the antispam question
. I think, You have forgotten to read the topic about how to write Admin request, it is here, check it : And finally i want to go back to yestarday night and your behavior. You do not meet the conditions nor have the abilities to be an admin, i think You are too young and Your knowledge about this game is very low. So YOu have to be patient and work on yourself. You have been insulting that player yesterday, told him without proof (proof is a DEMO or a SCREENSHOT!, not just a word "He killed me through the wall"). Then You attacked him, teamkilled nonstop and sweared to him. So rather to give You admin rights, i should give u a ban. But oki, i give u a chance, if i see such behaviour one more time, You will have one week off the BRUT servers, so next time please think before u act. And DO NOT EVER spam chat with stupid talks about other players CHEATING without proof, only because they are better. You don't have a clue how to detect cheaters, how can u be an admin???
with greetings KROTKY_AKO_SELMA
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!