Posted: 15 Feb 2021, 15:56
Dnes oslavujeme 8 rokov založenia nášho BRUT.me Portálu Prajeme mu ďalšie úspešné roky pretkané brutom a ďakujeme všetkým návštevníkom, fanúšikom, hráčom a aj náhodným okoloidúcim za všetku priazeň a podporu. Ceníme si to a budeme ho aj naďalej rozvíjať a terazPARTY ZAČÍNA
We are celebrating today 8 years of the existence of BRUT.me Portal We wish him further successful years interwoven with brut and we thank all visitors, fans, players and even passers-by for all their favor and support. We appreciate it and will continue to develop him and nowPARTY ON
We are celebrating today 8 years of the existence of BRUT.me Portal We wish him further successful years interwoven with brut and we thank all visitors, fans, players and even passers-by for all their favor and support. We appreciate it and will continue to develop him and nowPARTY ON