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Intel Management Engine Interface = Backdoor?

Informatics (IT)

Intel Management Engine Interface = Backdoor?

Postby saradsmejem » 30 Jun 2017, 10:57

What exactly is IMEI?
Most of the people still remain confused with the term Intel Management Engine Interface as they have little knowledge of the computer hardware. So, here is a short definition of IMEI. Basically, it is an interface that uses the Intel ME hardware features to enable an interaction between high- and low-level hardware systems in a system. With this Intel feature, the administrators can now handle the tasks without intervention of the human beings. This has simplified various tasks in a computer system.
Is IMEI required in all systems?

Intel Management Engine Interface allows you to work in both low as well as high level hardware environments. You can carry out various configuration tasks using this interface system. Also, some applications like remote access require connection between low and high levels of hardware in the board. For this IMEI is must.

Setting up the Management Engine (ME)
Management engine is a low power, small computer sub-system that is built into many chipset based platforms of the processors. For utilising the Management Engine interface, you are required to setup the Intel’s ME by activating it successfully in compatible BIOS system of the PCs. Once the Management Engine is enabled in the system, you get access to different BIOS functions. For altering any existing changes in the BIOS system, you need to configure an initial password for the administrator when you enter the ME BIOS interface for the very first time.

With the help of ME, one can easily turn ON Intel’s active management technology already existing on the system. The power management feature of this technology saves overhead energy that is not in use. Management Engine shuts down after a definite interval of time when the interface is no longer active. This allows the systems to sleep thus saving power when not in use.

Tasks performed by the Management Engine
The main component of Management Engine interface, ME performs a number of tasks in conditions when the system is running or in sleep mode. It also supports several tasks during the boot process. This sub-system is required for proper functioning and maximum efficiency of the PC. The interface checks whether the system is working properly or not while communicating with the operating system of PC.

Use of IMEI drivers
It is well known that the Intel Management Engine Interface enables effectual communication between the Intel Management Engine firmware and the host operating system. The Driver installs the hardware required for proper functioning of interface. Intel Management Engine interface driver support is different for different operating systems.



Noone knows it for sure, but it does not have much use for a normal average user, so it is good to disable it in Device Manager (Windows). You can enable it whenever you want, but you will surely never miss it.

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