Odporúčame, nielen kôli grafike ale aj kompatibilite, inštalovať už Fahrenheit, Indigo Prophecy REMASTERED (2015).
We advise, not only because of graphics but compatibility too, to install Fahrenheit, Indigo Prophecy REMASTERED (2015).
Install Instructions (Original Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy)
1. Inštaluj hru | Install the Game
2. Inštaluj patch v. 1.1 (alternatívne ho môžeš stiahnuť aj z nášho ftp) | Install the patch v. 1.1 (You can download it alternatively from our ftp too)
3. Nahraď originálny Fahrenheit.exe s exe súborom odtiaľto | Replace the original Fahrenheit.exe with the apropriate exe from here
4. V nastaveniach grafiky použi Custom nastavenia a tam to všetko vymaxuj pre najlepší pôžitok z hry (samozrejme to Tvoj počítač musí zvládať) )| In the graphics (Visual) settings use Custom settings and max there everything to have the best gameplay experience (of course Your computer needs to be powerfull enough)
Windows Vista / 7 Install problems
1. Copy the entire content of the Fahrenheit CD into a folder on your hard disk
2. Download this modified installer (fahrenheit.msi) here or alternatively download it from our ftp
3. Replace the original installer with the one from step 2
4. Install Fahrenheit using setup.exe from the folder on your hard disk (in some cases, u are not able to install it from the HDD because of an error, You need to do an iso from it, and install it from that iso burned to a DVD or mounted in a Virtual DVD Rom)
*Some hidden settings are in Fahrenheit.ini for example Windowed Mode.
source of most info