by saradsmejem » 09 May 2022, 09:45
Heloo friend, no problem, I moved Your question into a new topic, to be more clearer for the visitors
Glad u like our pack, we put quite a lot of efford in it and I am happy that it is not waste of time
I do not have unpacked resources, did not have a reason for it till now, in the folder STFS there are the mission videos, the graphics and sounds are most likely (according to the size and logic) in one of the dat files BAM.DAT, BAMD.DAT and BAMF.DAT and in MAIN.STF...
as far as I know, here is a link to a former main developer for this game You can ask him, and according to this site someone from the devs accidently(???) released the full source code with one version of the demo included in the Forgotten Realms Archive CD ... s_Archives , I think I downloaded it years ago, if u want I can try to dig it up
Why do You want the stuff, do You have some plans to remake it, or?
Let me know please if You wil be able to get more information about this to help others too
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!