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Základné Informácie / Basic Information

SA-MP Player Manual

Základné Informácie / Basic Information

Postby Brut » 11 Mar 2024, 15:55


BRUT.me Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) ZOMBIE server is an apocalypse zombie survival server based on the original DayZ survival video game.

The entire world of San Andreas has been completely re-mapped and re-textured into a wasteland after a zombie apocalypse, as it is today.
Explore the ruins of San Andreas, alone or in a group with others. DeathMatch or TeamPlay, its Your choice. Find loot or kill zombies for a loot, break into military crates, cars, and even Police Departments and Hospitals. Find the supplies you need to survive as long as you can. Weapons, food, medical supplies, ammo, and vehicles are all essential tools needed.

Become a Hero and fight off Bandits and Zombies, or join the dark side, kill innocent survivors and become a Bandit yourself.


The Indicators on the bottom right of the screen, notifies you when you need more blood, food, water, and heat up (temperature)
Light Green = Safe
Dark Green = Safe
Yellow = Normal
Orange = Below Normal
Red = Near death

Food/Hunger: Always maintain a balance to keep yourself hydrated with water & full with food!
Thirst: Running, swimming, getting shot drops, makes you get thirsty alot, make sure you have drinks with you all the time!
Blood: Important key in survival. Low blood causes blackend screen, shaking screen, less stamnia. Visit the hospitals!
Temperature: Your temperature decreases if you swim or jump alot. It increases if you sprint alot or use a heatpack to increase it!
If the skull if green means you are a hero or a normal player which is safe for most players.As for Red it means you are a bandit you may be killed on sight!
Noise: Vision sight for zombies. Name tag showns further if you're making alot of noise!
Eye Sight: Name Tag seen through walls.
:!: Inside the Brut, RESPECT is everything! :!:

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