General Commands
/basickeys - keys to get you started
/savestats - save your stats
/pickupgun - pickup dropped gun
/dropgun - drop your current weapon
/survival - blood, hunger, thirst
/version - SA:MP version
/getidid - Get a persons ID
/stopambient - turn off ambient music
/firstperson - first person view
/ask - Use this when you need help
/r - send a radio message
/o /ooc - Global Chat (needs radio device)
/me - self expression command
/shout - yell to a person close to You
/local - local chat
/pm - Private message someone
/blockpm & /unblockpm - block and unblock Private messages
/inv - show inventory
/acmds - Admin Commands
/rules - List of server rules
Animation Commands
/stopanim - Stop all animations
/wave - Wave your hand
/sit - Three sets of sitting animation
/handsup - Put your hands up
Group Commands
/makegroup - Create a group
/destroygroup - Destroy your group
/g - Group chat
/groupinfo - Group information
/invitegroup - Invite someone to your group\
/acceptgroup - Self explained
/denygroup - Self explained
/kickgroup - kick someone from your group
/leavegroup - self explained
/groupfind - find a group player